
我们很荣幸我们的律师事务所 Messrs Ng, Zainurul, Seke & Khoo(原名为 Messrs. Ng Kee Way & Co.)在“争议解决”业务领域名列《法律500强》亚太榜单。 我们想借此机会对我们的客户和《法律 500 强》的这一认可表示感谢。




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Welcome to Messrs. Ng,Zainurul, Seke & Khoo (NZSK), CLICK to Whatsapp with respective lawyer in charge and we will get back to you as soon as possible! Thank You!
Lawyer Ng (Mr.) 黄律师
Family Matters, CIPAA, Debt Recovery, Will, LA & Probate, Child Adoption, Criminal Defence & etc.
Lawyer Khoo (Ms.) 邱律师
Corporate Dispute, Family Matters, CIPAA, Conveyancing Matters, Civil Litigation, Employment & etc.
Contact Lawyer 咨询律师